
Building and Growing A Team with Jackie Serviss

The Social Snippet Episode 72

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A very warm welcome to my local friend and mentor, Jackie Serviss on the podcast today. I am super excited for you to hear this conversation, because I absolutely loved it and the information is SO valuable!

Jackie is the founder of a people strategy business, and helps growth entrepreneurs think about how to sustainably build their business with the right people in the right seats! In this episode, Jackie talks all about her journey to where she is today and we dive into what you need to think about as an entrepreneur, especially when you think it's time to grow your team.

We discuss all the things you need to consider when attracting people who align with your culture, and even touch on hiring friends and how to do so with clarity!
Does this resonate with you? Send me a message and let me know your thoughts! I'd love to hear from you.

Links For You:
Checkout Jackie's Website
Send Jackie a DM!
Connect with Jackie on Linked in

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